What is a Kepler College Certificate?
An excellent way for students to elevate their Astrological toolkit, certificates are issued to recognize that students have delved into an area of study with more depth than a single course can offer.
Every certificate at Kepler College is designed as a practicum, allowing students to test their skills and receive immediate feedback as they increase their knowledge.
Certificates have been created by grouping the necessary skills to become an expert in an area of study.
Why should I consider a Kepler College certificate?
If you seek further studies, such as the Diploma Program at Kepler College, you will typically begin with a certificate such as Natal Fundamentals. Additionally, if you are interested in gaining Astrology expertise in specific areas of study, you can pursue certificates such as:
- Alternate Traditions
- Astro Mapping
- Astrological Heritage
- Prediction Fundamentals
- Professional Development
- Relationships and Counseling
Upon earning your first two certificates covering the fundamentals, you will better know where to focus your continued Astrological learning. We hope you’ll join the many students who have completed the certificate courses needed to earn their Diploma or Advanced Diploma at Kepler College!
How long will it take to complete the Certificate Program?
Most certificates require successful completion of thirty (30) weeks of instruction. After earning the two (2) fundamental certificates, you will possess the core essentials to pursue Astrological practice, including synthesizing information in an Astrological chart and understanding what to look for when evaluating timing.
We recommend that students begin their Certificate Program at Kepler College with the Astrological Fundamentals, including Natal Astrology, a core study that teaches students how to analyze a Natal Chart, provide a clear interpretation, and answer client questions.
It is recommended that students continue the Astrological Fundamentals with the core study, Movement and Forecasting. You’ll find details about these, and other certificates offered at Kepler College below. You may also find it helpful to take our free assessment quiz to ensure success in your chosen certificate.
Available Certificates
To view Kepler College’s current certificates and required coursework, please visit our catalog.