Courses offered by Kepler College:
Current course offerings at Kepler College. Kepler College offers an exciting line-up of classes with live instruction. All classes are recorded, and you can access the course material for 3 years. A few pre-recorded classes are available that have mentors assigned with quizzes and final assignments that qualify for Certificate and Diploma credits.
The courses listed below all qualify for Certificates or Diplomas.
- All Certificates require 30 credits or 40 credits. One week of study is equivalent to one credit. For Certificate details, review the Certificate Catalog.
- The Kepler College Diploma (KPDA) requires 130 study credits.
- The Advanced Diploma (KAPDA) requires 190 credits of study (an additional 60 credits above KPDA) plus a demonstration of learning.
- Course numbers that begin with an ‘R’ are required courses. They can be combined with other courses to complete the requirement for certificates or diplomas
Kepler College Courses click here to view course outlines and schedules
All Courses are 5 credits unless otherwise specified.
RN101 Fundamentals I: Introduction to Astrology (10 credits)
RN102 Fundamentals II: Interpretation Essentials (10 credits)
RN103 Fundamentals III: Beyond the Basics (10 credits)
RN104 Fundamentals IV: Chart Synthesis (10 credits)
T104 Delineation Synthesis (5 weeks – 10 credits)
RP201 Transits
RP202 Progressions
RP204 Solar Returns
RP301 Rectification A OR RP220 Prediction Practicum: The Art of Forecasting
P203 Working with the Moon (elective)
P205 Electional (elective)
R110 Chart Calculation
R111 Self-Study – Astronomy (10 credits) OR R115 Astronomy for Astrologers (10 credits)
RA118 Demonstration of Learning: Researching, Crafting, and Communicating Your Findings (3 credits)
RA201 Essential Dignities & Debilities
RA202 Horary Astrology
RA301 Mundane Astrology
RC210 Introduction to Counseling (10 credits)
RC211 Consulting Skills (10 credits)
RH114 Self-Study – Astrological Heritage (10 credits) OR a combination of 2 of the following courses:
- RH115 Astrological Heritage: Babylonia through Hellenistic
- RH116 Astrological Heritage: Medieval to Modern
- RH117 Modern Astrology’s Heritage
AM100 AstroMapping: AstroMapping for the Beginner
AM200 AstroMapping I: Astro*Carto*Grapy (10 credits)
AM201 AstroMapping II: The Psychology of Astro*Carto*Graphy
AM202 AstroMapping III: The Astrology of Local Space
AM203 AstroMapping IV: Remedial Measures for Local Space/Compass Astrology
AM204 Geodetics: Mapping the World
AM205 Places the Map Can Take You (A Deeper Dive)
AM206 Transits and Progressions
AM207 Astronomy of AstroMapping for Beginners
AM300 AstroMapping V: Practicum in Mapping
C202 Working with Parents and Children
C203 Family Patterns and Chart Interpretation
C204 Illuminating Relationships: Composite & Davison Charts
C205 Relationships 101
C207 Illuminating Relationships: Natal Promise & Synastry
E102 Mesoamerican Astrology – Self Study (10 credits)
E201 Vocational Astrology
E202 Harmonics
E205 Symmetry in Astrology – Self Study (10 credits)
E208 Asteroid Goddesses & Chiron
E209 Aspects: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know
E210 Astrological Remediation 101
E212 Astrological House Division and the Symbolism of the Celestial Circles
E303 Advanced Progressions: Converse, Tertiarty, & Minor
E310 Mundane Astrology for Political Elections (once every 4 years)
E312 Medical Consultation & Decumbiture: Diagnosis
EMC213 The Harmony of the Many Faces/Phases of Venus
H102 Introduction to Astro-Mythology
H103 Astrology of Soul and Foundations of Character
H104 Calling and the Soul’s Transformation
H105 Astrology, Rebirth, and Spiritual Life
H106 Astrology in Sacred Literature: Western
H107 Astrology in Sacred Literature: Eastern
H108 Interplay of Religion and Astrology
HL101 Planetary Conditions I
HL102 Introduction to Latin For Astrologers
HL103 Thema Mundi: And Introduction to Natal Hellenistic Astrology
HL104 Exploring the techniques and lore of Vitruvius, Manilius, Thrasyllus & Maternus.
HL105 Telling the Houses: Building Narrative through House Delineation
HL106 Antiscia in Astrology: Sharing Power Through Shadows and Light
HL107 Planetary condition II: Heliacal phases & aspect theory
HL108 Foundational Chart Structures
HL109 Hellenistic Considerations of the Moon
HL110 Hellenistic Astrology Consulting Skills
HL201 Circumambulations through the Bounds
HL202 Profections
HL203 Decennials: The Decades of Life
HL204 Minor Periods and Ascensional Time
HL205 Practicum – to be completed after 35 weeks of study
HL206 Zodiacal Releasing (was E206)
HL207 Practicum – to be completed after 25 weeks of study
MPC-301 Foundations of the History of Medical Astrology (10 credits)
MPC-306 Elements, Humors, Temperaments
MPC-311 The Astrology of Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Disease
MPC-313 Astrology & Nutrition
MPC-316 Anatomy & Melothesia
MPC-321 Medical Consultation & Decumbiture: Prognosis
MPC-331 Traditional Disease Tendencies in Medical Astrology
MPC-391 Certificate Level Demonstration of Learning
PD101 Marketing Your Astrology Practice
PD103 YouTube for Astrologers
PD301 Fundamentals of Life Coaching for Astrologers
PD302 Fundamentals of Life Coaching for Astrologers: The Business of Doing Business
PD304 Astropreneurship
PDM101 Speak to Shine: Mastering Astrological Talks for Top Speaking Opportunities (3 credits)
PDM102 How to Start your AstroMapping Business (3 credits)
PDM103 Writing to Shine (3 credits)
PDM104 Astrology Storytelling Master Class (3 credits)
PDM105 Death Charts: An Astrological Tool for the Bereaved (2 credits)
T101 RN101 Challenge Test-out (10 credits)
T102 RN102 Challenge Test-out (10 credits)
T103 RN103 Challenge Test-out (10 credits)
UN203 Introduction to Uranian Astrology
For questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the registrar at