Alternative Traditions Certificate

Alternative Traditions Certificate:

This Certificate requires 30 credits of study. You can expand the breadth of your knowledge in various astrological traditions outside of general modern practice.

The certificate is made up of:

  • beginner-level (100 series)
  • intermediate-level (200-series)
  • advanced-series (300-series).


  • Beginner courses only require the ‘language of astrology’ – glyphs, signs, and houses.
  • Intermediate or Advanced level courses require a strong foundational knowledge of astrology, and predictive techniques are needed.

All courses at Kepler College are taught in English unless noted otherwise. Proficiency in English is required for all students.

All courses are 5 credits unless otherwise specified:

Any of the courses in the list below qualify for the certificate:

  • E102 Mesoamerican Astrology – Self Study (10 credits)
  • E205 Symmetrical Astrology – Self Study (10 credits)
  • AM200 AstroMapping I: Astro*Carto*Graphy (ACG) (10 credits)
  • MD100 Introduction to Medical Astrology (10 credits)
  • RA202 Horary Astrology
  • UN201 Introduction to Uranian Astrology
  • RA301 Mundane Astrology
  • E310 Mundane Astrology for Political Elections (once every 4 years)
  • E202 Harmonics

Additional traditions represent any courses of the Natural, Shamanic, Chinese, Tibetan, Vedic, or Gnostic Astrology. If you have taken any courses in the above disciplines, contact the registrar at

Inga Thornell, Kenneth Miller, Joseph Crane, Enid Newberg, Carol Tebbs, Jenn Zahrt

Chart your Course in Astrology today.